Exclusive: Brian Hamilton and Lawrence Carpenter Talk About the Program ‘Inmates to Entrepreneurs’ [Interview]

Brian Hamilton founded Inmates to Entrepreneurs and works alongside Lawrence Carpenter, who serves as the Chairman of the program board. 

Lawrence Carpenter Chairman of the Inmates to Entrepreneurs Board

Hamilton’s work can be followed on  TwitterFacebook, and Instagram at @brianhamiltonNC

The Knockturnal: What inspired you to create and get involved with Inmates to Entrepreneurs?

Brian Hamilton Founder of Inmates to Entrepreneurs

The Knockturnal: With all of the changes being made in individual’s lives within the program. What are the goal(s) you would like to reach in the next 5 years with  Inmates to Entrepreneurs? 

The Knockturnal: Can you describe the process of how inmate(s) can join the program? How does the program help them create business ideas and strategies? 

The Knockturnal: Why do you think employers are reluctant to hire people who were formerly incarcerated?

The Knockturnal: What steps do you believe employers should take when considering someone who has been judicially involved? 

The Knockturnal: How much of a role does society play in how it perceives formerly incarcerated individuals? Do you think this perception hinders them from pursuing certain opportunities?  

The Knockturnal: Do you think this perception hinders them from pursuing certain opportunities?

The Knockturnal: What advice can you give to people who have been incarcerated who feel like second chance opportunities are limited?

Brian Hamilton: Don’t give up. Hang on. Go around the system. Don’t wait for employers or anyone else. Take action.

Lawrence Carpenter: My advice for the formally incarcerated would be to change the old way of thinking, position yourself through learning new things and being in tune with what is going on in the world, and lastly, fight like your life depends on it because it really does!

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